Tag Archives: Stress

Perspectives on Stress

Let’s first look at the causes of stress, which can vary from the environments of work, home, personal relationships, Children and financial problems.

It is best to resolve such feelings, for they can be accumulative, and eventually seriously affect our health. Meditation works here, along with good food, plenty of water, outside interests, friends and regular exercise.

Whenever I hit a time of turmoil, I first ask myself, what can I learn from this, why am I feeling this way! If the feeling hits you as being something from the past reasserting itself in your life, this maybe depression, or shame or guilt over a past experience … these feelings need to be faced, and while you do, remember you did the best you knew how at that time, accept that … dealing with them with meditation can really help.

If the feeling comes from something in the present, again for instance, you may have similar feelings as above, perhaps of guilt for instance because you don’t feel able to do something, you may have previously agreed to, for financial reasons … again an approach here is to remove yourself from the feeling component and see what you can do in the best way possible, again if you do or have done the best you can, there should be no anxiety or guilt.

If you feel anxious about projecting your life into the future, this anxiety come from fear – remember probably more than 90% of what you anticipate happening won’t … hence staying present is the best way in my opinion to handle such future based stress, for that way until the situation comes into the present moment, it does not come into your awareness … and it will help, during the meditation process, letting go of any anxiety associated with such thoughts (if necessary repeatedly) this will lessen its urgency and the anxiety it produces.

Perspective: For me, the positive of life challenges is to learn from them, by facing them (rather than to ignore or deny them), see obstacles or difficult experiences as challenges, facing them will allow this adversity to make you stronger. Look for meaning in your life challenges rather than seeing yourself as a victim. A quote by Michael Hyatt comes to mind “Assume you are the problem. When you do, you quit becoming the victim and begin shaping the outcome”.

In this case Spirituality: is when we are connected with our spiritual side, this due to above reasons gives us stronger emotional resilience, especially if you’re internally connected to you spirit and not just going through the motions.

There are other posts on this site, dealing with ways to prepare, physically and emotionally for meditation; I invite you to read them.